Plan for the Inevitable…

Plan for the Inevitable…

Pre-planning your funeral should be a natural part of life, because it provides you with time to make end-of-life decisions in a calm and rational atmosphere. Start the online planning process now, or meet with one of our pre-planning advisors. It just makes sense.


In the movie "Memorial Day" young Kyle Vogle confronts his taciturn grandfather with this question as he seeks to deepen his relationship and satisfy his curiosity about a mysterious trunk he found in the barn. The end result: his grandfather relents and we learn his story. In the movie, it turns out (unbeknownst to his family and friends) that he is a war hero. The telling of the hidden story...the expression of his life...also leads to the healing of Grandpa’s relationship with his son, Kyle’s father.

Blaise Pascal once wrote: "No one dies so poor that he leaves nothing behind." That wisdom is often discounted as people reflect on their lives and fail to recognize the subtle but deep impact they have had. Every life has a story. Too often that story remains untold because no one took the time to draw it out. Perhaps, to us, it is unimportant. But it is of vital importance to those who love us...whose lives we have impacted. They want to know what to remember. They want to be sure that others remember.

We invite you to take a journey of discovery. It may be a journey about yourself. Or, it could be a journey about someone you care about. Perhaps you have been asked to deliver a eulogy. Maybe you are wondering how you will be eulogized...or, more important, how you can influence how you are remembered.

We’re here to help you capture your legacy - those memories so important to your loved ones.  You may also wish to discuss meaningful ideas for your own funeral or memorial experience that uses those recollections to help family and friends remember you and heal after you’re gone.

Our lives are like ripples in a pond. A seemingly insignificant pebble eventually can have an impact on everything around it.

  • Let Us Help Guide You

    Let Us Help Guide You

    Dan and Dawn Hoffman are specialists in pre-planning and are waiting to help answer any questions you have.

    Read more about Let Us Help Guide You
  • Why Plan Ahead

    Why Plan Ahead

    You've got to admit it; no one should have to make these decisions for you. Giving a pre-plan to those you love gives everyone greater peace-of-mind. You can then live your life to the fullest, knowing you've done the right thing.

    Read more about Why Plan Ahead
  • Pre-Planning Checklist

    Pre-Planning Checklist

    There's a lot to consider when beginning the pre-planning process. Our checklist will give you the satisfaction of checking off each of the related tasks, knowing you're getting closer to the goal of completing your pre-need plan.

    Read more about Pre-Planning Checklist
  • Online Pre-Planning Form

    Online Pre-Planning Form

    We've developed a powerful online pre-planning tool. A password-protected account allows you to start your end-of-life plan and return to it as many times as you need to, until you're completely satisfied with your arrangements.

    Read more about Online Pre-Planning Form
  • Medicaid Eligibility

    Medicaid Eligibility

    Perhaps no other area of planning is more misunderstood than the potential need and eligibility for Medicaid. Too often individuals invest in small life insurance policies thinking they are going to be providing for their funeral, when in reality those policies may have to be cashed in at some future date due to Medicaid restrictions.

    Read more about Medicaid Eligibility
  • Have the Talk of a Lifetime

    Have the Talk of a Lifetime

    People talk about many things with their loved ones: from day-to-day details to big events. Sharing stories with those who matter most isn’t just important today; it will be especially significant when it’s time to commemorate a life.

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  • BeRemembered


    In the future when someone searches your name, what do you hope they’ll find? What are those messages you want to leave the world? Gather them here at BeRemembered. Through pictures, videos, stories, and private messages, record how you want to be remembered and how you want your end of life memorial event.

    Read more about BeRemembered
  • Hospice


    Facing the reality of a loved one's impending passing can be incredibly challenging. The care provided during hospice can be helpful for your family, especially as the illness progresses. It is essential to recognize that this is a time to cherish the moments you have left together.

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